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Origin: Alicante, Spain


Genre: Punk-Rock

Playing since: 2011


Record label: Proudly DIY Self-managed

“Llamando A Julia” was born in 2011 in Alicante, years where bars were no longer smoking, the 15M movement took the streets and Teddy Bautista, president of the SGAE at that time, was caught flirting with the honored associated artists money.
On this day, at the tender age of 16/17, four schoolmates decided to set up “Punki Strike”, a Punk-Rock band idea with which to spend those hot Alicante´s afternoons while maintaining their two favorite hobbies: Drinking and Smoking in a room with free freezen conditioned air.
After many months of practices without any specific purpose, learning to do everyone the same note at the same time, Llamando A Julia gets her first concert at the own school: Los Jesuitas de Alicante. At that time, dressing up was funny (not like nowadays) and, dressed as a Police, Monk, Bullfighter and something indescribable with a poncho and wig, they gave their first concert in front of about 500 students forced to listen songs like: "Nos Quieren Detener" from Kortatu or "Cartas desde el Asilo" from Reincidentes.
After the success in attendance perpetrated in the religious school, Llamando A Julia decided to continue with the matter. Several more months of rehearsals and some changes in the formation came later, but they decided to record their first demo titled "Pa´Vernos Matao".
After the self-produced recording at the Martin Munera studios in Torrellano West City, Llamando A Julia got their first concert at the legendary "Cure Anti-Disco Bar" thanks to Fat Chuso, who got the date for the band in exchange for letting him to practice with his friends in that place with free air conditioning.
The gig in the Cure was crazy, full of people and also the opportunity arose to give another concert in the same place a few months later. Shortly after that, Agustín had to leave the band due to his return to Argentina. So the band decided to keep the trio, which, par excellence, is the most stable figure.
Few months later Manolito Chainsaw, owner of Fantastika Records, decided to produce the first album of Llamando A Julia "No Es Lo Ke Parece!!" with 8 songs typical of a Punk-Rock dead around those days in the musical variety of the area.
The following years would be full of concerts in other mythical venues in Alicante such as the Sala Babel, the Sala Zeppelin and many more that today do not live to tell about it. The band also began to play for the community and its nearby towns. The machine had started to roll. The practices were becoming more productive and people supported the idea of ​​a real band without makeup or spectacularity.
After several years of concerts, especially in the eastern Mediterranean area, Cremades (original guitar), had to leave the band. He based his decision on the ancient legend that if you study and work hard you will become someone important in this life. Nowadays, he is a reputed teacher who hits children heads.
A couple of months later, Txampi and Jandi, sad, abandoned and having a place that they couldn't pay, coincided by chance with Jose Ramón, who appeared as the great Rosck-Stars appear: with a guitar and a stretcher to creak people. A few trials were enough to trick the third cog into Llamando A Julia.
After many gigs in which it was seen that the settlement of Jose Ramón was like cucumber to anus, Fantastika Records decided to produce their second album “Puño en cara!” with 12 songs of their own creation and some versions that the band adapted to their musical criteria.
After many, many, many, but many, many, many concerts and tours presenting the album "Puño en Cara!" around Spain, the band started in 2018 their first steps abroad organizing their first international tour around China. Twelve days and six concerts around Hong Kong, Macao and Guangzhou were enough to demonstrate to the chinese punk scene that a tradition had born in their land. In 2019 LLAJ would consolidate this tradition with their "I Just Walked Around China Tour 2019" with 9 crazy gigs in 12 days around the same area visited the previous year.
After recovering from the catharsis suffered by playing on bizarre whorehouses in Hong Kong, receiving canisters in the nuts by chinese public, lots of madness and good vibes in chinese calçot shape, the band continued their wanderings through German lands, establishing in Berlin and Potsdam two hot spots where a growing interest still growing for this Levantine band.
Venues like KOEPI, Tommy Haus Weisbecker or Archiv have hosted several gigs of Llamando A Julia, who prepare this year 2020 their third International tour around the North of Germany and Wroclaw, why not?.
Currently, Llamando A Julia maintains an intimate but open relationship with Take Away Management, the craziest management company ever, setted up by three great characters from Alicante like: El Felix, El Txuso and Dani. Listen to me... Wondering...
The band is now presenting their project “Nuestra Querida España”, an initial compendium of 3 interrelated albums that, in a time lapse of 2 years (2019-2021), will inform against the political and social history of the Spanish state for decades since the triumphant coup d'état of 23th of February of 1981 carried out by the now retired King of Spain Juan Carlos I de Bourbon. 
The first volume of the album, is already on the streets and is titled “Nuestra Querida España Vol.I: Sa Matao Paco!”. This is scheduled to be presented internationally around the most important cities and the craziest towns around Spain, England, Portugal, Germany, China and France throughout 2020/2021.
Right now Llamando A Julia I could be planning ANYTHING !!
Are you going to miss it idiot?...


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